

Neurotoxins - $15/unit

Relaxes fine lines and wrinkles. Results are seen within 2-6 days and can last from 3-5 months. At Jules, RN we are offer botox, jeuveau, and dysport.

Dermal fILLER - $450-$800 PER SYRINGE

used to hyrdate, fill in lines and creases, and add volume to areas such as lips, cheeks, Chin, jawline and nasolabial folds.

Dermaplaning - $115 ($95 when paired with Botox treatment)

Removes dead skin cells and peach fuzz. Helps with fine lines, skin care product absorption, makeup application will go on smoother, instant glow.

Chemical Peels - Starting at $150

Aims to accelerate skin exfoliation by the use of chemical substances, therefore improving the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, age spots from sun exposure, enlarged pores and acne scarring.

Vitamin B12 Injections 4 pack - $125

Vitamin B12 is a water soluble vitamin that plays an important role in our bodies, but only obtained through our diet. This is a 1ml injection that can help boost your immune system, aid digestion, improve mental clarity and sleep quality.

Vitamin lypo-10B 4 pack - $150

Contains essentail minerals, vitamins and amino acids that help boost metabolism and geared towards weight loss

Kybella - $1200

Synthetic Deoxycholic acid that is injected to permanently remove fat cells in the submental area (aka “double chin”) patients sometimes require multiple treatments. a consult is required before treatment.

collagen Induction Therapy- $400 for one treatment/ $1125 for a package of three treatments

CIT is designed to stimulate your skin’s natural ability to produce collagen by creating micro-channels in the skin with the use of sterile, disposable needles. CIT can improve fine lines and wrinkles, reverse sun damage, enhance skin tone and texture and improve acne scars and hyperpigmentation.

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) for facial rejuvenation or hair loss- $500 for one treatment / $1295 for three treatments

PRP is when we use your own plasma which carries rich regrowth factors, when injected it will restimulate collagen, and also help with fine lines, volume loss, and under eye hollowness. it can also be injected into the scalp for thinning/hair loss. best results are seen with multiple treatments.



469 Salem St Medford MA Suite #7