
Prior allergic reaction


History of neuromuscular disease such as myasthenia gravis

Post Care Instructions

Exercise treatment area for 90 minutes

Remain upright for 4 hours

No exercise for 4 hours

No hats, headbands, or massage to the treatment area for the remainder of the day.



Wait at least 2 weeks post injectables, laser or chemical peels.

Can be done right before receiving injectables.

Skin conditions such as acne lesions, active cold sores, uncontrolled diabetes, dermatitis, the use of Accutane in the past 6  months, or prescription strength retinol within a week of treatment.

Post Care Instructions

Sunscreen (mineral based)

Avoid makeup application for the rest of the day if possible, allow time for skin to settle down after treatment.

Avoid any facial creams, serums, or products that are exfoliating or contain any derivative of retinol. 

Chemical Peels


Sunburned or excessively sensitive skin Dermatitis and inflammatory rosaceaIf used Accutane within the last year.

History of recent chemotherapy/radiation

Women who are pregnant/breastfeeding Vitiligo Autoimmune Disease History


Use a gentle, soap-free cleanser. Do  not scrub or use a wash cloth while the skin is peeling.

Moisturize while the skin is peeling.

Use sun screen

AVOID direct sunlight for at least one week.